Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last week before Finals!

This week is our last before Final Exams (week of 6/15/09). This week we'll be studying the last of our Physiology unit, the Circulatory System & The Frog! As part of our Circulatory System series, I'll be sharing 2 powerpoint presentations with my students. The first is the basics about the Heart Parts & Functions, and the second is about Heart Disease. Both presentations can be found by clicking on the words underlined in the prior sentence.

On Friday we'll be dissecting a frog. Yum! Yum! Frog legs, anyone?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Evolution - Week 3

This week will be our last week covering Evolution. This week's calendar can be found HERE. On Friday we'll be taking a quest over the unit. The review for this week's Evolution QUEST (not quite a quiz, not quite a Test) is HERE. Don't forget that your Evolution Reading Packet questions (distributed the day of our Genetics Exam) are due on Friday as well.

You may also find the Speciation Powerpoint HERE and the Evolutionary Structures Powerpoint HERE.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


This week will mark the beginning of our unit on Evolution. This week's calendar can be found here.

Friday, May 8, 2009

LaMarck vs. Darwin Argument

For your homework this weekend you were asked to read a bit about Darwin & LaMarck's theories of evolution. Today we know that Darwin's theories were more accurate than LaMarck. Assume that these two theorists lived at the same time, and could have sat down to dinner together. Their conversation might have rounded around to evolution, and they might have ended up arguing! Your task is to create a script of dialogue between these 2 men. Each person should have 5 lines, for a total of 10 lines minimum in your script. Each should argue their point. Use actual examples from the reading to further solidify your argument.
The assignment is worth 25 points (2.5 times a typical homework assignment in my class), and is due on Monday!
A sample of A+ student work is here...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What happens when mothers & their fetus have different blood types?

Students always ask this question when I teach about blood typing and Genetics.

First off the placental barrier does not allow mixing of the maternal blood & the fetal blood.

The Rh factor is a bit different. Maternal antibodies can cross the placenta and destroy fetal red blood cells. Here is a link to a great article that explains how the Rh factor influences the mother-fetal problems that may occur.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Karyotype Computer Lab Activity

Today's activity involves doing some Internet research about chromosomal abnormalities. You may use the following links to aide your research...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Genetics - Week 3

This is our 3rd (and final) week studying Human Genetics. So far we have covered the following modes of inheritance: Mendelian Genetics (monohybrid & dihybrid crosses), polygenic inheritance, codominance, incomplete dominance, and multiple alleles. We have also learned about blood types and pedigrees.

This week we'll be focusing on Karyotypes & Genetic Disorders, as well as the production of sex cells (aka "gametes) during the process of Meiosis. We will learn about various methods to screen an unborn child to test whether he or she will have any chromosomal abnormalities, and you will be taking a trip to the computer lab to research some information about various disorders.

We will complete the LAUSD SPA Test on Thursday, and our classroom Genetics Exam on Friday. You can find the Genetics Exam Review Sheet here. You may use a 4x6 notecard of notes during the exam if you wish.

Our calendar for the week can be found HERE.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Need some Community Service Hours?

The Biology teachers would LOVE some student assistance during the school's Open House on Thursday, April 30th! The department's presentations will occur in Room 287 (my room), and will include microscope demos, a dissection of an eyeball (to be demonstrated by a responsible student), among others. Are you interested? The night begins at 6pm and finishes at 8pm, so you'll earn 2 community service hours for participation! Let me know ASAP if you'll be there! The more the merrier!

This week!

This week (and the next few) we'll be focusing on Genetics. There is a lot of information online that can be used to help you with your understanding of Genetics. By clicking HERE you can find an online tutorial about Mendelian genetics.

This week's in-class calendar can be found here, as usual.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Extra Extra...Read All About It!

Extra credit that is! I have 2 opportunities for Extra Credit that I wanted to extend to students...

1) We are in desparate need of KLEEENEX Tissues (aka "napkins" as the students call them). 5 points per box, please! Limit 2.

2) Disney is coming out with a new movie called, "Earth." If you click on the word "Earth" you will be taken to the website to watch the Trailer and buy tickets! It premieres on Wednesday...EARTH DAY! Every ticket purchased in the first week is rewarded by Disney planting a tree! I will reward 10 extra credit points to anyway who can show a movie stub from the viewing, and an additional 10 points to anyone who goes during the 1st week (up to Wednesday, April 29th, I believe) and has the tree planted! What an awesome opportunity!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Biotechnology Research Project

While I'm away for the first few days this week, you will be working with Ms. Bianchi to create a class PowerPoint presentation about various biotechnology issues prevalent in the news today. We will be researching: recombinant DNA technology, stem cells, cloning, gene therapy, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The project description can be found here.

Each group has been given a topic to research. You are to gather up as much information as you can, being certain to cover the "Focus Questions" assigned to your group. You may use the website suggestions below for further research.

At the end of the day on Wednesday, April 15th you should email me your groups' slides by sending the PowerPoint as an attachment. My email is

Group 1: Recombinant DNA Technology
Focus Questions
  1. What is recombinant DNA? What is recombinant protein?
  2. What is a plasmid? A vector?
  3. What is the difference between Recombinant DNA and Genetic recombination?
  4. How is recombinant DNA technology related to cloning?
  5. What are some uses for recombinant DNA technology?
  6. What is a “sticky end”?
  7. What are the enzymes involved in recombining DNA?

Suggested websites for information{021E579E-4A79-4A8B-A666-2009227E1379}&sid=812967281 (watch the Flash’s awesome!)

Groups 2 & 3: Stem Cells
Focus Questions

  1. What are stem cells?
  2. What are the differences between: embryonic vs. adult stem cells?
  3. Define a pluripotent cell.
  4. How can stem cells be used as treatments for medical conditions?
  5. What are some of the controversies surrounding the use of stem cells?
  6. What are the potential uses of human stem cells and the obstacles that must be overcome before these potential uses will be realized?
  7. How does President Obama’s opinion in regard to stem cell research differ from Former President Bush?

Suggested websites for information (watch the video)

Groups 4 & 5: Cloning

Focus Questions

  1. What is cloning EXACTLY?
  2. What are the differences between: Reproductive vs. therapeutic cloning?
  3. Describe Nuclear transfer & the rest of the process of creating a clone.
  4. What animals have been cloned?
  5. Should humans be cloned?
  6. What are the ethical concerns (prior problems) with cloned living organisms)?
  7. What are some of the moral and ethical concerns about cloning?

Suggested websites for information (watch video clip) (watch video clip),5860,534450,00.html,cloned

Group 6: Gene Therapy
Focus Questions

  1. What is gene therapy?
  2. How does gene therapy work?
  3. What are the vectors used in gene therapy? Provide details of 2 of them.
  4. What is the current status of gene therapy research?
  5. What factors have kept gene therapy from becoming an effective treatment for genetic disease?
  6. What are some recent developments in gene therapy research?
  7. What are some of the ethical considerations for using gene therapy?

Suggested websites for information

Groups 7 & 8: Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Focus Questions

  1. What are they?
  2. How are they created?
  3. What are the impacts on Human Health?
  4. How are they used? (Provide at least 5 specific examples of GMO’s that have been created in the past…be careful! Some of the Internet examples are FAKE!)
  5. Are GMOs harmful or helpful?

Suggested websites for information

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The last week of the term...

This week we'll be focusing on Biotechnology. You will learn a bit about how a "DNA fingerprint" can be used to solve crimes, and how we can do cool things with DNA technology like create a mutant fish that glows.

(GLOfish...zebra fish whose genes have been altered by
adding the "fluorescent" gene from a jellyfish)

We will also spend a bit of time review this term's material in preparation for your Final Exam. Period 3 students will take the exam on Thursday, and Period 4 on Friday. The exam is 100 multiple choice questions, and is worth 100 points (the same amount as the Cell Project). You may use a 4x6" notecard of notes during the exam.

A review sheet can be found here.

The week's calendar can be found here.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Extra Credit!

It's that time of the term when students have just received their 5-week progress report, and are celebrating or are being punished at home :-(

Nonetheless, many are asking about Extra Credit opportunities. A list of options can be found here (click "here").

For the extra credit article, you will need to search online or in a newspaper for articles related to Science. You can then attach the article to a 5-6 sentence summary, plus this cover page (the summary can be written right on this page). Each article + summary is worth 5 points; you can do 25 points of articles each term (5 articles total).

The Uni High School library has access to multiple subscriptions through LAUSD. You can find the links to the subscription services here. If all else fails, you can always see Ms. Whitham in the school library, and she'll point you in the right direction.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

This week's calendar...

There is a lot of book work this week. Please keep your calendar handy. You can find this week's calendar here.

Monday, March 16, 2009


So, how exactly do plants make energy using light energy from the Sun? Learn about the process here.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Weekly Calendar

You may find this week's calendar by clicking here.

What are you going to do for your Cell Project? It should be well under way! Remember that you must include information about BOTH plant & animal cells, and should include function information about at least 10 organelles!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Cell

This week we'll be focusing on the plant & animal cells. The week's calendar can be found here. We'll start by viewing a PowerPoint about each of their organelles. The slideshow can be found here.

The Cell Project is due on Friday, March 13, 2009. A copy of the project description & grading rubric can be found here.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins & Nucleic Acids, Oh My!

In the event that you need some additional help understanding the Macromolecules material that will be covered on tomorrow's exam, please see this week's PowerPoint presentation here.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Enzymes & More

You can find this past week's Enzyme PowerPoint here (click on the word "here"), and this upcoming week's calendar can be found here.

Have a nice weekend!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Hot Liver Lab!

For Thursday, February 19, 2009 you will need to read through the instructions for the lab we'll be doing on that day. A pre-lab quiz will be given on that day. You'll want to know your stuff!

You can find an additional copy of the instructions here.

A few announcements...

While grading this weekend I noticed that, for some reason, quite a few of my students did NOT turn in the Acid/Base Lab from last week. I'm not sure why that is. Please turn this sheet in ASAP if you'd like to earn full credit.

Also, be certain that you are continuing to work through Chapter 2 (Sections 1-4) so that you'll be ready to turn them in (all assigned questions from each section) next Monday (2/23/09). I will be checking Section 4 Questions #1-4 tomorrow in class!

This week's calendar can be found here.

EXTRA CREDIT OPPORTUNITY: Bring in some food containers with the "Nutrition Facts Panel" in tact. We will be using these in class next week. 1 pt/container (maximum of 5 containers/student)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Make-Up Work

Students often ask, "What did we do yesterday when I was absent?" Well, with an average of 5-10 students/class per day, it's nearly impossible for me to stop teaching to address your individual need for makeup work. It is YOUR responsibility to either a) see me before or after school to discuss, b) come to class early to discuss, c) stop by during lunch to discuss, or d) email me at or post a comment here on this blog! (see link to "Comment" at the bottom of this post)

Not only should you also consult the Weekly Calendar (which may or may not be accurate) & this blog, but you should also be sure to check the metal file box in the front of the classroom for any papers I may have handed out.

?? What do I do if I miss a test or quiz ??
You will have 1 week after you return from your absence to make up this Test or Quiz. After that time has passed, you will earn a ZERO grade for the work. You will need to schedule time (before/after school or during lunch) to make-up the work as well.

?? What do I do if I miss a lab ??
Some labs require make-up. Not all do. You will need to see me to determine if you'll need to make-up a lab. Again, you'll need to schedule time (before/after school or during lunch) to make-up this work!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Properties of Water Slideshow

Covered in class on Friday, February 13, 2009

The Slideshow can also be found here

After School Study Sessions

Every Wednesday from 3:06pm-5pm in Room 287. Serious students only. I am available for tutoring, make-up work, labs, etc. If you anticipate leaving campus & returning sometime before 5pm for assistance, you must tell me in advance so that I do not leave!

All other times must be BY APPOINTMENT. I am usually available by 7am each day, and until 4pm most days.

Friday, February 6, 2009

So, why haven't Americans adopted the metric system?

Link to an article about this very topic can be found here.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Calendars: 2/2/09 & 2/9/09

The calendar for the week beginning 2/2/09 can be found here.

The calendar for the week beginning 2/9/09 can be found here.

Remember to study for the Lab Equipment & Lab Safety quiz on Thursday, February 5th.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Welcome to the start of the 2nd half of the 2008-2009 academic year! Hopefully by now you've learned a lot about adjusting to Uni's "different" schedule, and are well under way to developing the maturity that comes during high school. If you are a student in my class, I'm very happy to have you. And, if you're just browsing...well, then, so be it!

I hope that you're ready for some serious bum-kicking learning in this course. Biology isn't easy. Biology at twice the pace is even less easy. You will be expected to participate in class. You will be expected to complete homework (at least give it a faithful try). You will be expected to study for quizzes & tests.

So sit back, strap yourself in, and get ready for a wild ride!


Monday, January 26, 2009

About your teacher...

I've taught high school Science for over 5 Chicago, Los Angeles, and overseas. Last year was my first year teaching at Uni, and I had the pleasure of teaching both 9th grade ICS and 10th grade Biology. In June of 2008 I moved from LA to live in New York City for the Summer, and then continued on to live in Australia until this past December. After the holidays I returned to LA, and am happy to return to Uni as a teacher.

I am a Chicago girl at heart, having spent 18+ years of my younger years in the suburbs. I earned my bachelor's degree in Dietetics and Nutrition, Fitness & Health from Purdue University in Indiana. Go Boilers! I later went back to graduate school, and earned a Master's degree in Secondary Education from DePaul University in Chicago. My husband is a full-time MBA student at UCLA, so in 2007 we picked up to move to the west coast. I'm happy to call the sunny state of California my home now.
In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my husband and my Australian shepard dog, running on the beach (I'm training for my 2nd Half Marathon), kayaking, or traveling. Some of the more unique things I've done were conducting research at the Great Ape House at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, and researching chimpanzees who know American Sign Language (ASL) at The Chimpanzee & Human Communication Institute in Washington. Jane Goodall (chimpanzee behaviorist extraordinaire) is an idol of mine, and I had the pleasure of meeting her in 2007 when she visited Chicago on a book tour.

Some photos...

(After finishing the Sydney Half-Marathon)

(With my husband who likes to drive Indy race cars for fun)

(Kayaking in the Milford Sound, New Zealand)

(Meeting with Jane Goodall)