Thursday, March 26, 2009

Extra Credit!

It's that time of the term when students have just received their 5-week progress report, and are celebrating or are being punished at home :-(

Nonetheless, many are asking about Extra Credit opportunities. A list of options can be found here (click "here").

For the extra credit article, you will need to search online or in a newspaper for articles related to Science. You can then attach the article to a 5-6 sentence summary, plus this cover page (the summary can be written right on this page). Each article + summary is worth 5 points; you can do 25 points of articles each term (5 articles total).

The Uni High School library has access to multiple subscriptions through LAUSD. You can find the links to the subscription services here. If all else fails, you can always see Ms. Whitham in the school library, and she'll point you in the right direction.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

This week's calendar...

There is a lot of book work this week. Please keep your calendar handy. You can find this week's calendar here.